1) What is gratitude?

Willie Nelson said: "When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."

For me, Gratitude is the observation and appreciation of everything around me. The process of counting my Blessings.

What exactly does it mean? When I wake up in the morning I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be alive. Why? Because there are people that didn't wake up today. I am grateful for my parents, friends, relatives, and my cat.

I am grateful for my arms, my legs, my bed, my blanket, my pillow. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food I have on the table, and the hot shower.

You know why I am grateful for the hot shower? Because growing up in Moldova, a country in Easter Europe, we didn't have running hot water. We had to warm up the water on the stove. So this small thing is actually a luxury somewhere else in the world.

I am grateful for my ENEMIES. Why? Because we learn through contrast: what we truly love, appreciate and what’s important to us.
EVRYTHING in life, the good and the bad has a lesson for us and sooner or later we will understand the reason of a so perceived "negative" or "bad" situation. We always have to ask ourselves: What is the lesson am I supposed to extrapolate from that situation?

So observing and appreciating everything around me as soon as I wake up, puts me in am elevated and positive emotional state of mind and it reminds me to stay grateful.

I'd like to share a video with you with Nick Santonastasso.

If Nick was able to rise above his adversities, we have no excuses to complain. This is a reminder that we CAN BE and ACHIEVE anything regardless of our circumstances.

2) Why is Gratitude important?

Studies show the state of gratitude, reduces the cortisol levels (stress hormones) by 23%.

Gratitude is related to a 10% improvement in sleep quality in patients with chronic pain,
and 19% lower depression levels.

We all want to be smart. Daily practice of gratitude can slow down the effects of neurodegeneration.

Based on the research on gratitude and mental health conducted by Robert Emmons and McCullough, grateful people report more optimism, satisfaction with life, also have higher self-esteem.

Trying to identify moments you are grateful for forces you to focus on the good in your life. The more you focus on the things you are grateful for, the more positive your outlook becomes, thus training your brain to find more positive things in your life. Be truly grateful and appreciative to God for what you have.

3) How to practice Gratitude?

Gratitude Journal

When writing in your Gratitude Journal, feel what you write. Believe in what you're writing. Get into the emotion of your words.

Writing in a Gratitude Journal reduced the feelings of hopelessness in 88% of suicidal people and
increased levels of optimism in 94% of them, per Robert Emmons.

Dietary fat intake is reduced by as much as 25% when people are keeping a gratitude journal.

If you truly desire a positive outcome in your life, pray, laugh and write in your gratitude journal

"Gratitude blocks toxic emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret and depression, which can destroy our happiness." --- Robert Emmons


If so, have hope! I've been exactly where you are right now...frustrated and even miserable.

I want you to know that you have every reason to be excited about your beautiful new future!

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